百密必有一疏,而臭蟲總是防不勝防!微軟模擬飛行MSFS在數周前推出的第九版更新(Sim Update 9)之中出現了少數嚴重性的BUG,而這些蟲蟲躲的非常地隱密,未在Beta測試版本中被發現並消滅,就這樣隨著新版本的釋出一併存活了下來。
- *Fixed various crashes on the world map*
- Fixed crashes affecting airports that have a beacon but no runway (BIKF for example)
- Fixed simobject data request creation process preventing Flight sim gear peripherals from working
- Fixed a crash in vector placement during back to main menu
- Fixed LOD streaming in vector placement in the Scenery editor
- Fixed windshield flickering when the render scale is not set to 100%
- Fixed CGL updating loading order to ensure custom CGL files are loaded correctly
- Fixed ATC Azure TTS goes silent while in gameplay
- Fixed crashes about SimConnect message reception after being closed in WASM
一如既往,如果玩家們在啟動微軟模擬飛行時發現更新進度條卡在某個地方久久未有進展,請依照MSFS更新除錯MEMO ITEM:「在關閉主程式後,將「community」資料夾內容先行移動至別處,再重新開啟做更新,待更新完成後方得將插件重新安裝回來。」。
有關SU9的補釘更新內容的完整釋出說明可以參考官方Release Note。